When you cant TAME the heart that wants to CLAIM the FAME you
realise that would give NAME to the life you AIM to PROCLAIM
Your mastered art will enable you to live a life where your rightful
wish is not to be another PLAIN being.
Leaving a mark on the very world you will one day live behind, you become a living legend
Leaving a mark on the very world you will one day live behind, you become a living legend
Somewhat a symbol of accomplishment
and success
A makeshift Clark Kent aspiring to be the Man
of Steel himself making an impact in the lives of those who look up to them.

Now we in the 21st century, fame a GAME played by millions, wanting it for the power money and glory that accompanies.
When being who you are isn’t enough, but we must nowcamouflage our true selves in this fake appearance
Now we in the 21st century, fame a GAME played by millions, wanting it for the power money and glory that accompanies.
When being who you are isn’t enough, but we must nowcamouflage our true selves in this fake appearance
One that is accepted and wildly jeered by its
adoring fans
The same adoring fans who conveniently “forgot”
to show their allegiance when your name was nothing but a group of letters tied
together to form an unidentified name
‘Allegiance’, ‘Loyalty’ these are nothing but
Just propelled from one end to another, used as
a children figurine
You stare at yourself; a figure glaring
straight back wields a familiar aura
Alas this aura is modified, changed to fit the
world’s expectations
You are unable to recognise yourself…a mere
reflection of ones’ former glory
of desperation and loneliness creep in
You want out!
OUT ... OUT … OUT … is your only desire
But your own claim to fame soon plots your
Its over… OVER…OVER…
You are trapped, trapped in this world-absorbed
Nothing genuine, nothing real
In a blink of an eye it collapses
All the Jenga pieces comes tumbling down
Your empire…Your sanctuary…all gone…
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