
Friday, 28 September 2012

Unspoken words

Hello! Hello!
My words fall on deaf ears
Do my words qualify not enough to gain your acknowledgement?
Or is it I who does not understand the words of my body?
I feel trapped in this flesh cocoon
The freedom of my first breath is a distant pleasure
That was stripped away from me by the devil’s terror

Immense pain struck through me
I knew something was afoot
The fear of the unknown worsening the feeling
My soul sinking into a dark cold world
As though my brain was waving the dishonourable white flag unashamed
I had given up all hope

Suddenly a surge of life flowed through me
As though resurrecting this lifeless carcass
The flame reignited within me
With my veins bursting with energy
My self-abandoned life force was being dragged from the fiery clutches of the evil one into the warm embrace of our Heavenly Father
Left eye followed right eyes awakening and what I saw saturated my eye sockets to the point of flooding
The sight of a giant woman and a man and a little girl in the embrace of her older boy
All speaking with in a foreign dialect with power and great vigour

My eyes fixated on the woman whose hands were larger as my entire face
Her smile that could pause the earth in orbit in awe
 And more soothing than the golden-rouge sunset horizon ashore
I felt her life energy seeping gently into my soul
Mother…there was no doubt
For her loved shielded my entire being
I was floating, experiencing the anti-gravitational life of the creatures of the air
I was at peace and the pain scurried away into the darkness

I had found my anchor, my reason to carry on living and fight for another day
This is my FAMILY I said to myself
Even though confined in this weakened body my story is far from over
Their desire, passion, love and faith in God brought me back from a lonely world
One where many have never returned

With them and the power of God I know I can succeed and LIVE
You look and what do you see?
Pain, sadness?
No, look deeper….
There’s fire in my eyes and there’s hope, peace and happiness
For the Lord has blessed me with a wonderful family