Are people there yet?
What you
mean are people there yet?
Who are
you coming here to see?
Me or the
people who aint here yet?
what annoys me about people these days
on birthdays
It's a
celebration of a special day for your friend
Who cares if anyone
else is here!
A real
friend will visit or wish happy birthday before the night end
It's about
making that special individual happy
Not about
clubbing or meeting the invited people you fancy
Nah that
is messed up
People you gotta fix
You know
who you all are
The true
friends always shine as the brightest star
In the end only one person
With no alternative aim
A model of true
the storms of life’s hardship
All I ask for is one
day in the year
Don’t blow your chance
to show that you care
Make that special
someone feel like they won the lottery
Having a
friend who loves them unconditionally